About natuco
Our journey started in 2016 thanks to a lucky encounter in Sweden. Immersed during a few months in this Scandinavian country, we felt the need to keep this link with nature that was deeply anchored in us, bringing love and tranquility.
We then decided to start a company that reconnects the city-dwellers to nature and allows everybody to find back this flame that exists in each of us.
That is why we offer our furniture Natuco. Pieces of furniture with a soul. Our biggest inspiration is the beauty of nature and its living systems that we integrate into each one of them.
Our first piece of eco-furniture Lombrico adopts a natural system that has proven its worth in nature for years: worm composting. We have adjusted this method to our homes in the city to bring a concrete solution to one of the biggest environmental issues, the management of organic waste in the city.
A simple alternative born from the complexity of nature.
The Co-founders


Felicia is German and graduated with a Master’s in Management and organization. After working with various startups in France, she decided to act for the environment, by her love for nature.Felicia loves to discover the world’s cultures and get inspired by them in her daily life. She has a creative soul, finds every day new ideas and is always on the lookout for new collaborations.
"With natuco, we have launched a project that gathers our values. We brought our love for nature to Lyon, now it’s our turn to share it."
Jeremy is a mechanical engineer born in Saint-Étienne. He has worked as an engineer in continuous improvement in the aeolian sector. He loves to create, innovate and find alternative solutions and decided to put into application his competence for the planet’s well-being. Jeremy is motivated on a daily basis by his curiosity and loves the complexity of things.
"Today we can see that there is an awareness about our daily actions and their consequences for the planet. Re-connecting to nature is essential and that is what we wanted to offer with natuco"

Credit pictures : Ksenia Vysotskaya

Jérémy est ingénieur mécanique et né à Saint Etienne. Il a travaillé en tant qu’ingénieur en amélioration continue dans le secteur de l’éolien. Il aime inventer, innover et trouver des solutions alternatives et décide de mettre en application ses capacités au service de la planète. Jérémy est animé au quotidien par sa curiosité et apprécie la complexité des choses.
"Aujourd’hui nous voyons une prise de conscience par rapport à nos actions du quotidien et leurs conséquences pour la planète. Se re-connecter à la nature est finalement essentiel et c’est ce que nous proposons avec natuco."
Our mission
Reconnect to nature, all year long, thanks to simple, design and sustainable objects for your place.
Our new indoor composters revolutionise composting and allow you to water your plants with your bio-waste. It took 2 years of research and development to come up with the final product design and concept.
Partnership with Nature et Découvertes
Crowdfunding campaign Kisskissbankbank.com
Réseau Entreprendre Rhône – Laureate
Bourse French Tech - Innovation grant
Startup and Go - Innovation grant
Lyon Startup - Favorite award
Prix Pépite - Laureate
Design of our first composters

Natuco’s mission as an eco company is to reconnect the city-dwellers to nature by offering a range of ecological pieces of furniture that invite nature into our homes.
Natuco is a project through which we commit as actors of a sustainable transition for tomorrow’s cities. Allowing at the same time to make our homes in the city greener and let nature into our flats and in our hearts.
We also want to show that it is possible to act for the environment as a company of the future. We combine at the same time the economical interest, ecology, and social topics. Creativity, innovation, and motivation are built on trust, open-mindedness, respect for the other and the planet.
This is our culture, at Natuco.
Our commitments
Since the beginning, environmental responsibility is at the core of natuco’s activity. We commit to follow a responsible approach for the environment, from the conception of our furniture to their use. That is why we use innovative, lasting and environmentally responsible materials.

Local production
Natuco commits to responsible production by collaborating with French local actors. Our worm composter pieces of furniture are made by us and in partnership with partners from the Rhône-Alpes region in France that involve their knowledge and their long experiences in the production of each piece. This proximity allows us to promise you the best quality of our pieces of furniture.

Credit pictures : Jerome Poulalier